Water aerobics for the 50Plus, more than an exercise class

I’ve been taking a water aerobics class for the last four months at my local Y. I never thought I would become a fan of taking an exercise class that is as much about a social network as it is getting my physical body in shape. Many retired 50plus women use this class as a way to build social networks in the second phase of their lives.

I am amazed by the relationship these 50plus women and men have developed as a result of this class. It is possible to develop relationships around health and wellness which include taking a class and so much more. Water aerobics has not only created an opportunity for 50plus women to come together in exercise. It has also created a way for 50plus women to share the vast richness of their lives as retired women. Learning how to live life in the second phase of our lives is the key to health and wellness.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having coffee with some of my classmates. There was one woman in particular whose story of travel was interesting to me. She retired from teaching in the public schools 25 years ago. She drives every summer for about 10 hours to the Adirondacks Mountains in New York to escape the heat in Maryland. When I heard her say she drove 10 hours my thought was I would fly to get there quicker. So I asked the question, “Why don’t you fly, you would get there quicker?” She stated she loves the beauty of seeing the country side while driving and that she is not in any hurry. She takes her time driving and listens to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to get her worked up during the drive.  Hearing her story provoked a lesson in growth for me as a 50plus woman.  

Prior to taking this class, I decided I would go the class exercise and get back to what I do. But as a 50plus woman who no longer works for others, I realize my approach to developing social relationships must change. Embracing exercise as a way to develop social networks is one way a 50plus woman can make the transition to life in the second phase. Those women taught me a lesson about the wealth of knowledge and experience which can be gained by opening yourself up to a new way of developing relationships.

Health and wellness is developing the physical body and it is also developing healthy relationships which develop your mind. My water aerobics class has become more than an exercise for the physical body. It has become an exercise in my mental ability to expand my thinking to embrace new ways of living in the second phase of my life.

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