Fashion Must haves and Dont's

Are you one of those impulsive shoppers who runs into a store in a whim and picks up a great outfit and returns home to a closet full of outfits but yet none to wear for that casual barbecue or that luncheon with the girls or the family dinner??
Well! it certainly is me.

Thats when I started believing in the fashion “must haves” to make my wardrobe work for me. You definitely need some “All seasons” wear always in your closet. Shopping can be a pinch on anyone’s wallet but try to invest in quality pieces when shopping for your “must haves”
* Invest in a good pair of dark jeans - not the funky faded or stone washed ones. You want at least one good even colored indigo pair for those casual and semi casual events.
* A crisp stylish white shirt for semi-casual events.
* Black skirt that you can match with a jazzy top of any design or cut. You can decide on whether to go for a pencil style cut or a gathered pleated one depending on the kind of blouses you like to wear.
* A pair of well cut black pants that you can pair with for a formal occasion.
* A fancy bejeweled belt to wear with either your pants or skirt so you can even pair it with a simple blouse for that special occasion.
* Hoop earrings in silver or dull gold whichever is your metal of choice.
* One delicate and elegant set of earrings and necklace with a bracelet that you can pair with (not the exact match tho’)
* An evening purse/handbag.
* Black court shoes which are neither too close to the current trend nor too far away. For example extremely pointed toe shoes - you may stick out if you are seen wearing them when it goes out of trend.
Apart from these always remember to buy a blouse/dress or skirt as per the trend either in color or cut. Add touches of the new fads by mixing and matching colors as well as accessories. Carry a purse that doesn’t match your shoes.
No matter what the trend is, the (not so) secret code is to wear colors that compliment your skin color, hair and eyes. On the same token try something that’s not you, change it up once in a while. You might just surprise yourself.
Where there are Do’s the Don’ts can never be too far away.
* Wear clothing that is too big, oversize, too small
* Wear clothing because it’s in style everyone can’t wear everything!
* Mix two seasons in one outfit
* Wear uncomfortable shoes
* Wear a jogging suit for every casual event.

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