Some may think that dressing from the inside out is over rated. Others may say that dressing is really from the outside in. Whatever you thoughts about how one dresses, it is a fact that your style of dress says something about who you are and how you see yourself in the world.
Inner-Fashions is about doing the internal work of knowing yourself and then expressing it via your style of dress in the world you live in. As a life coach I believe that our value system plays a important part in our style of dress and how others see us. I am a child of the 60 and 70’s style of dress. I believe this era is being relived in the way we are dressing now and that it will always be a part of some future era. This style of dress has a value system attached to it that was a part of previous era’s where the people were more conscious of living and being and it showed up as a part of their lifestyle.
When I think about dressing inside out it provokes the thought that maybe there is more to dressing than we first believed. Maybe the style that we gravitate to has more to do with what we see with our eyes (external). Maybe it is in fact the eye of our conscious value system (internal) showing up in the way we express ourselves in our world.
I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
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