Beauty Advice

I’ve spent the last few months working in the beauty industry as a beauty advisor.  My goal was to learn more about skin care and cosmetics.  What I have learned has been more than I could have ever expected.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar industry filled with any product your money can buy.  The industry has made lots of money in the current economy.  It is because we all care about how we look. Looks are important as is caring for our skin.  But when an industry becomes superficial we have to take a step back and look at what it is we are really trying to achieve.

When we decide beauty can only be purchased via a bottle or needle or air brush, we fool ourselves. I’m all for being able to purchase products that help me to enhance what is already there.  However, it is superficial to believe that by “changing” our outer appearance we can change what is going on inside of us.  Beauty was never meant to be a superficial expression.  If a woman is not happy with what she sees in the mirror, all the products in the world can not provide her with what she needs.

When our culture puts the face/body of a fourteen year old girl as the beauty we should aspire for, it is sending a message that is confusing and irresponsible.  When we as mature women go after that image to try to make it our own we are just as irresponsible. Beauty is achieved when we know who we are both inside and out.  It’s not hard for a fourteen year old body to look good.  What’s hard is when we decide as a 50plus woman to try to look like a fourteen year old girl, or a magazine cover that has been airbrushed.

What message are we sending to our young girls?  They are watching us and some are willing to go through unnecessary surgeries etc., to improve what has not had a chance to fully develop.  Young girls struggle daily with what is beautiful. They feel the pressure of being beautiful by a false image of beauty. Young women need to see more mature women who are confident in themselves.  Women who by products, and have surgeries, etc., to enhance who they already know they are.

Beauty is more than skin deep, it is achieved when what is on inside of a woman transforms itself on the outside.

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